1. Go into the course.
  2. From Course navigation > More > Course reuse, select 'Backup'.
    Image Placeholder
  3. Initial settings - Select the activities, blocks, filters, and other items you want to include in the backup.  

    Users with appropriate permissions (administrators and managers) can also choose to:

    - Include users in the backup
    - Anoymize user information
    - Include user role assignments, groups, groupings, user files, comments, user completion details, course logs, and grade history.

  4. Schema settings - Select/deselect specific items to include in backup, then click the Next button.

  5. Confirmation and review: Check everything is correct. If changes are needed, click Previous to adjust. Once satisfied, click Perform backup.

  6. Perform backup: After the backup is completed, click Continue.

  7. Under the Course Backup Area, you can download the .mbz backup file.