- How does Moodle LMS work? Can I have access to a demo somewhere?
- How can I contact your support team?
- How can Moodle help?
- How to setup own domain name in the LMS site?
- Is there a user community or forum where I can ask questions?
- What are the minimum hardware requirements and internet bandwidth for Moodle user?
Getting Help
Mobile App
- Download Moodle and/or Moodle Workplace App
- H5P packages and external content embedded via iframes are not working on iOS
- How to login on your Moodle Site in the Moodle App
- How to make YouTube links open automatically in the app
- What are the minimum device requirements to use the Moodle app?
- What permissions does the app require?
Manage Courses
- Create a new course
- Enable self-enrolment
- Enroll users in a course
- How to create a group in a course?
- How to increase the maximum upload size?
- How to locate the short course name in Moodle?
- How to make a course announcement?
- How to remove enrolment key from a course?
- How to reset my courses
- How to send a group message?
Moodle Resources and Activities
Quiz FAQs
- Can I have different start times/timings/numbers of attempts for different groups?
- How can guests answer a Moodle quiz?
- How can I build a quiz that picks X questions randomly from a larger question bank?
- How can I set a grade to pass?
- How can I try a quiz before it is released?
- How do I send a bulk message to all students who haven't completed a quiz?
- Why am I no longer allowed to add or remove questions?
- Why can't people (guests) attempt a quiz without creating an account and logging in?
- Why is my quiz not displaying in the gradebook?
Moodle Reports
Site Administration
- Automated Backup
- Backups Report
- Enable Debugging
- How to assign a category-level role?
- How to assign a system context role?
- How to assign another Site Administrator?
- How to browse the List of Users in Moodle?
- How to check my current Moodle version?
- How to create a Category in Moodle?
- How to create a Cohort and add Cohort Members?
Site Appearance
Moodle Workplace
- Branded Moodle Workplace: How is multi-tenancy supported?
- Branded Workplace App and Branded Moodle App: Is there a difference in pricing and features?
- How much is Moodle Workplace?
- Is Moodle Workplace open source?
- Is there any difference with moodle themes compared to Moodle Workplace?
- My company already uses Moodle LMS, How do we move to Moodle Workplace?
- What is the difference between Moodle LMS and Moodle Workplace?