All Articles
How does Moodle LMS work? Can I have access to a demo somewhere?
Add H5P in the H5P Activity for Courses
Automated Backup
Backups Report
Branded Moodle Workplace: How is multi-tenancy supported?
Branded Workplace App and Branded Moodle App: Is there a difference in pricing and features?
Can I have different start times/timings/numbers of attempts for different groups?
Create a custom report in Moodle
Create a new course
Creating and editing H5P content in the Content bank
Download Moodle and/or Moodle Workplace App
Enable Debugging
Enable self-enrolment
Enroll users in a course
Error upon downloading a report
Give access to Moodle Custom Reports
H5P packages and external content embedded via iframes are not working on iOS
Help on Moodle Themes
How can guests answer a Moodle quiz?
How can I build a quiz that picks X questions randomly from a larger question bank?
How can I change the logo of my Moodle Site?
How can I contact your support team?
How can I set a grade to pass?
How can I try a quiz before it is released?
How can Moodle help?
How do I send a bulk message to all students who haven't completed a quiz?
How much is Moodle Workplace?
How to assign a category-level role?
How to assign a system context role?
How to assign another Site Administrator?
How to Backup Course in Moodle?
How to browse the List of Users in Moodle?
How to check my current Moodle version?
How to create a Category in Moodle?
How to create a Cohort and add Cohort Members?
How to create a group in a course?
How to enable guest access in Moodle?
How to enable password visibility toggle in Moodle?
How to enable reCAPTCHA in Moodle?
How to increase the maximum upload size?
How to install a plugin?
How to know who did not participate in the course
How to locate the short course name in Moodle?
How to login on your Moodle Site in the Moodle App
How to make a course announcement?
How to make YouTube links open automatically in the app
How to remove enrolment key from a course?
How to reset my courses
How to reset my password?
How to restore course in Moodle?
How to Schedule custom reports
How to send a group message?
How to send a message to the selected participants within a course?
How to set up the front (home) page of my Moodle Site?
How to setup Outgoing Mail with GMail?
How to setup Outgoing Mail with GMail? (Without Less Secured Apps enabled)
How to setup Outgoing Mail with Office365?
How to setup Outgoing Mail with Outlook?
How to setup Outgoing Mail with Yahoo Mail?
How to setup own domain name in the LMS site?
How to show the list of categories in homepage?
How to update Bulk Users in Moodle?
How to upload Bulk Users in Moodle using CSV File?
Integrate Google Analytics with Moodle
Is Moodle Workplace open source?
Is there a user community or forum where I can ask questions?
Is there any difference with moodle themes compared to Moodle Workplace?
My company already uses Moodle LMS, How do we move to Moodle Workplace?
Set my Moodle Site to Maintenance Mode
What are the minimum device requirements to use the Moodle app?
What are the minimum hardware requirements and internet bandwidth for Moodle user?
What are the report sources in Moodle Custom Reports?
What does a Non-editing Teacher do in a course?
What is the content bank?
What is the difference between Moodle LMS and Moodle Workplace?
What permissions does the app require?
Why am I no longer allowed to add or remove questions?
Why can't people (guests) attempt a quiz without creating an account and logging in?
Why is my quiz not displaying in the gradebook?
Zoom Integration